Saturday, August 2, 2014

Vegan Plum Tart

My mom wanted to have a get-together with some people. At first, she asked me to make some pasta, but then, since she was going to make another main dish to bring along, she said I could make dessert. My dad chipped in that we had a box full of organic plums from my uncle's garden that was sitting in the fridge. So plum tart it was.

This being my first time making tart with fruit other than apple, I did a quick Google search. It would seem that plums are often paired with an almond paste thing, which I was not ready to deal with. So I decided to incorporate a couple of ideas from a few sites, and some of my own ideas into this tart.

First, I gathered ingredients. Due to time constraints, I used store-bought pastry dough, which contained margarine instead of the customary butter. I used the plums, and a homemade vegan custard, the recipe of which I will provide in another post in a few days.

To prepare the plums, I cut each in 4, and sprinkled the whole thing in sugar. I let that sit, mixing occasionally, while I pre-baked the crust and made my custard. Then, I simply drained the plum pieces using a large strainer, and keeping the liquid for later.

I spread a thin layer of custard on the crust, and let it cool a bit so it could set. Then I first made concentric circles of plums, skin-side down. I went back around and filled the gaps between the circles with another layer of plum pieces, this time skin-side up.

Baked for 30 mins at 200°C. The plums shrank a little in the oven.

After letting it cool, I nuked some of the drained plum juice with some sugar in the microwave to make a glaze, which I went and brushed on the plum pieces using a spoon. 

As you can probably tell, I'm playing around with my post format. If you would be so kind, please let me know in the comments what you think about it~

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